Me, slightly post-mess.

As if cramps weren’t enough…

I’ve discovered a mysterious thing about being a woman. It’s hard as hell.

I mean, it’s like, one day I was double-dutching to Next’s “Too Close” and then BOOM! I got my period and entered into a world of pure confusion, heartbreak, disappointment, expectations, body ideals, and rampant inequality. In no time I was up shit’s creek with a bad relaxer, no college degree (but hella debt), and a whole baby daddy. Oh, the tragedy!

But in that raggedy tragedy, I noticed something. Other women. Yes, I am a lesbian.

I’m kidding! What I noticed was other women reaching down into the depths of my brokenness and pulling me out. My own amazing mother, my aunts, godmothers, friends and even that random girl on the street who asked me if I was okay when I was crying silently into my croissant on the L train.

They told me stories about when their lives fell apart. When their lives came together. When they lost themselves. And how they found it again. They all pulled me up and continue to this day. I think many of us have that experience of feeling brought back to life by the women around us.

Now, that I’m an author, writing stories for and about women and a mother of a little girl (Hi, Eden!) I want to explore any lessons I think I’ve learned, gain insight from other women, and keep building letters of guidance, encouragement, and I’ve been there, girl head nods for her and all the daughters everywhere.

Now, don’t get me wrong…ya girl is still screwed up but I’m trying!

Catch up with the most recent blog posts. You’re already behind sis…*smh*

How “Insecure” restored my confidence as a Black millennial

Now that it’s been a few weeks and I’ve had a chance to properly grieve and process the ending of this iconic show. I have some things to say. Insecure made me laugh, bawl, dance, eye roll and often left me speechless. But most of all ‘Insecure’ restored the confidence of this black 30 something…

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